How To Care For Your Dental Implant


Getting new dental implants is exciting, but it requires extra work to ensure they stay healthy and last a long time. Aside from getting treatment from a trusted dental implants clinic, you must also put extra care on the new dentures.

Your newly constructed teeth need regular maintenance to stay healthy and strong.

How important is it to take good care of your dental implant? We’ll talk about that in this article. Treat the new fixtures as part of your original teeth. It should not be rocket science how to care for them once you know basic oral care.

Tips and Steps for Proper Dental Prosthetics Care

The best way to ensure its longevity is with proper at-home care and regular maintenance with your dentist or oral hygienist. Here are simple steps and tips for you to do.

1. Brush twice daily


The most important part of caring for your dental implant is brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time. Doing so will ensure you remove the plaque and bacteria that can stain the implants.

When these get stuck in your teeth and dental fixtures, they can grow into yellowish stains. If you clean your teeth regularly, it will help decrease your risk of developing gum disease or infection.

Properly brushing your teeth can also help prevent cavities. However, brushing too much could cause damage to your implant. Do not overdo it. But it is wise to have a routine.

Sometimes some people brush their teeth so hard to make up for the lost time of brushing once. So, make sure to properly brush your dentures and bridges at least twice a day to prevent cavity and dirt buildup.

2. Floss regularly

There is nothing new with flossing. When you have natural teeth, you can floss at least once a day, preferably twice.

Flossing helps to remove food particles. That will also prevent plaque from building up between your teeth. Avoid plaque to avoid gum inflammation and infection if left in place for too long.

Gently floss around the implant and make sure you get as much of the plaque off as possible.

1. Start by dividing the dental implant into quadrants. Use a sturdy floss thread that is at least 18 inches long. Make sure to hold the floss thread taut as you move it across the implant surface.

2. Place one end of the thread in the center of one quadrant, and bring the other end up towards your mouth so that it forms a “U” shape. Cross the “U” over the top of the first “U”, then cross it over the bottom of the second “U”. Finally, tie a knot in between these crossings to secure them.

3. Do this same technique across all four quadrants of the implant. Be sure to keep tension on your thread throughout each pass so that you remove as much debris as possible.

4. Once you have completed all four passes, use a toothbrush to clean any remaining debris from around your implant surface. Be especially careful around any gaps or tears in your gumline – these areas are especially vulnerable to infection.

3. Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash


Rinsing your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash can help to remove bacteria that brushing and flossing may have missed. Use it after brushing and flossing for the best results.

One of the questions you have is whether you should still rinse with mouthwash, even with fake teeth. Yes, of course!

Artificial dentures are made to suit the chemicals in your mouthwash. It will also help extend your dental implants by preventing bacteria from damaging them.

4. Clean the implant regularly.

Your dental implant should be cleaned regularly to keep it looking its best. Use a soft cloth or brush with a soft bristle to clean the implant surface and any other areas exposed to your saliva. Ensure not to use abrasive materials as they could damage the implant.

5. Avoid certain foods

Lastly, avoid certain foods. This might be one of the tips that could be hard for you to follow. But it is worth the effort and sacrifice if the return would be better oral health care.

Certain hard, sticky, and crunchy foods can cause damage to dental implants if you are not careful.

Avoid them when your dentures or bridges are newly implanted. While some of these foods may be okay to eat in the future, it is best to avoid them as much as possible.

Avoid sugary foods and drinks. These items can contain high levels of sugar which can damage the teeth and surrounding tissues. Sugary foods and drinks should be avoided altogether if you want to maintain good dental implant health.

To maintain good dental implant health, it’s important to follow a sensible diet that includes plenty of vitamin C and minerals. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, red peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli. Minerals that are essential for dental implants include potassium, magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Foods that are high in these nutrients can be found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dairy products.

It’s also important to avoid foods that contain harmful chemicals or toxins. These types of foods can damage your teeth and gums over time. To keep your dental implant healthy, make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients your body needs to thrive.


Show that perfect smile!

As you may know, dental implants are a popular choice for many people because they provide a stable foundation for teeth that can last for many years. Unfortunately, like any other implantable device, dental implants can require regular care and attention to maintain their function and appearance. Caring for your dental implant is vital to maintaining your oral health. Brushing and flossing regularly, rinsing with mouthwash, and avoiding certain foods can help keep your new teeth in perfect shape. Now, flash that perfect smile!