Healthy Teeth: 7 Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth and Mouth 


Your tooth is one of the most important organs in the body. Ideally, with healthy gums and teeth, you can eat well and enjoy your food. Taking good care of the gums and teeth can help improve your health.

Having healthy teeth involves a lot of care. Even when you have white teeth and feel no pain, it is important that you still take care of your teeth. Taking care of our teeth involves getting the right oral care products like toothpaste mouthwash, and, most importantly, visiting a Secure Dental clinic for help.

Common Teeth Diseases You Should Know

There are several tooth disorders that you should know.

Gum Disease

In some cases, plaque builds up under the gums, causing an infection that harms the gums and the bone holding the teeth. A mild gum disease makes your gums bleed, red, and tender.

This is a problem called gingivitis, and you can correct it by flossing daily and brushing your teeth. However, in the case of a severe form of gum disease called periodontitis, you should see a dentist for treatment.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common problem for most people. The outer teeth are covered by a hard coating called enamel. Bacteria called plaque build on the teeth’ outer cover daily, producing acids to destroy them. The buildup of acid on the enamel destroys it, causing cavities.

To prevent cavities caused by plaque buildup, you should floss with water after every meal. However, once your teeth form cavities, you should visit a dentist to have it checked.

To protect your teeth from decay and forming cavities, you should use fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth. Additionally, if you have a dry mouth because you are on medication, you can go for toothpaste with more fluoride content.

Also, during one of your checkups at Secure Dental, the dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment or fluoride gel to rinse your mouth.

Dry Mouth

In most cases, dry mouth will happen when you lack enough saliva in the body. A dry mouth makes it hard to taste, swallow, or eat. Sometimes, it is even harder to speak well when you have a dry mouth.

With a dry mouth, you increase the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and fungal infections. Most people develop dry mouth when they are under medication. For instance, medicines that treat depression and high blood pressure are most likely to cause dry mouth.

Taking care of your teeth and mouth


You can apply the following tips if you want to maintain good oral health and ensure your teeth remains strong and healthy.

1. Only go to bed after brushing

The first rule for maintaining healthy teeth is to brush with fluoride toothpaste and floss with water before bed. Whenever you brush your teeth before going to bed, you stop plaque and acid from building up on the tooth enamel and destroying it.

2. Clean your tongue

Most people ignore the tongue when brushing their teeth and washing their mouth. Plaque can also build up on the tongue, causing bad breath and other oral health problems.

When brushing your teeth, you should also brush your tongue gently to remove the plaque buildup.

3. Brush your teeth properly

When you visit Secure Dental, the dentist recommends brushing your teeth properly after every meal. Brush your teeth in a gentle and circular motion to remove all the food particles and plaque from the mouth.

Sometimes, when you brush in a hurry, you leave some plaque between the gums, leading to an early gum infection.

You should get the right toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice daily and after every meal. Also, make sure you replace your toothbrush regularly, at least every three months.

4. Floss when you brush


Most people who brush regularly forget to floss with water. Flossing is not all about removing the food particles stuck between your teeth. When you floss, you can stimulate the gums and remove all the plaque on the teeth.

This way, you reduce the inflammation in your teeth. Floss at least once a day to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

It may be difficult to floss with water if you have arthritis. Younger children also find it difficult to floss. In that case, you can use dental flossers to make flossing easy.

5. Only use fluoride toothpaste

There are many important elements in toothpaste that you should look into when buying one. Flavors and whitening power are not all you need in toothpaste. When buying toothpaste, you want to ensure it contains the right amount of fluoride.

Fluoride is the most important element in keeping the teeth clean and healthy. It defends the teeth against plaque and decay by fighting all the germs that can cause decay and cavities. Fluoride also protects your teeth, making them healthy.

6. Visit your dentist regularly

Even when you brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily, you should still visit a dentist at least twice a year for an examination. The dentist can promptly identify and diagnose any dental issues and recommend treatment solutions.

With health insurance, you can consider regular dental visits to ensure your teeth are always healthy.

7. Use a mouthwash

Mouthwash is also important for maintaining oral health. When using mouthwash, you reduce the acids in the mouth and clean all the places your toothbrush cannot reach. Mouthwash can also clean in and around the gums and add minerals to the teeth. A recommended mouthwash is the best option for children and adults who find it difficult to brush and floss.


Final Thoughts

Having healthy teeth involves a lot. The most important thing is brushing your teeth at least twice daily and after every meal. Also, before you retire to bed, you must ensure you have flossed or used your mouthwash.

If you have periodontitis, bad breath, tooth decay, and cavities, you should visit a dentist at Secure Dental for a checkup and treatment.