Frankly said, there is a vast selection of tennis racquet out there that would confuse the life out of you if you had to choose one. But luckily for you, we’ve done our research and can safely say that we’ve divided all the types of tennis racquet into a couple of categories that will give you the best overview, and how to choose the best one for you. So without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Power Racquet
Power racquet are designed by manufacturers to provide more power to wielders. These racquet are designed for larger hands ranging from oversize to super-oversize hands (107- 135 square inches). Power racquet are lightweight, usually, around 9 ounces, longer, around 28 inches, are stiffer and are balanced on the head. The last one is very important as these racquet are designed to retain enough weight in the hitting zone. If you’re a person with a shorter and slower swing that looks for more power then a power racket is the choice for you. Based on a review from IPTL World, the best power racquet right now is the Babolat 2018 Pure Aero Tour followed by Babolat Pure Strike. You can check out a full comparison on their site.
2. Tweener Racquet
Regarded as the most popular type of racket, a Tweener gets its name because it’s between a power and a player racket. Tweener racquet possess features from both categories, power, and lightness from power racquet and the control features of players’ racquet. Tweeners are heavier than power racquet, usually weighing around 10 ounces, and the balance goes anywhere from slight headlight to slightly head heavy with mid plus heads of around 98-104 square inches. This type of racket mostly suits intermediate and advanced players because of the power level ranging between low-medium to medium-high.
3. Modern Player’s Racquet
According to TennisTips.org, modern player’s racquet have become popular due to the increased popularity of a heavy topspin play style. These are more lighter and faster than most traditional types and they offer mid plus head sizes. These racquet are perfect for players who’s playstyle is more aggressive and is perfect for netplay and maximum spin. The power level is almost identical to Tweener racquet, and they weight anything between 11 and 12 ounces which is the heaviest one yet that we’ve included in this article. Headsizes of these racquet don’t differ much and can be anything between 98 and 100 square inches.
4. Traditional Player’s Racquet
This type of racquet is used by all the pros in the game. Both high-level club and college team players use these racquet in addition to every ATP player. Traditional racquet are the heaviest, usually between 11.5 and 12+ ounces, have the smallest heads (85-98), are thinner, more flexible, and have balance headlight to maintain maneuverability. These racquet provide users the ability to control their own power, which is why it’s mostly used by professionals.
Factors to Consider
When choosing the best tennis racket for you, there are multiple factors you need to consider such as:
· Length
Standard length is usually 27 inches while 29 is the legal maximum length size for tournaments.
· Weight and Balance
A heavier weight offers more power, more stability, and less shock to the wielder.
· Frame Stiffness
A Flexible frame is considered to be 63 and below, medium stiffness is between 64 and 67, and a stiff frame is considered 68 and above.
Getting a tennis ball machine is a great way to improve your tennis skills. For more information on tennis and ways to improve your tennis skills check Racketlounge.com.