Having good posture is greatly underrated and it definitely needs more attention. Especially now that all us sit behind desks at use mobile devices all the time, the way we sit and generally hold our body matters for our general health. Carrying our body should be done in a certain way, and although some people find it difficult and uncomfortable, it is the right way of positioning yourself if you want a healthy back and no pain in your neck and shoulder area. There are many problems that can become worse over time which have bad posture as their root.
Why It Matters
Good posture benefits us in more than a few ways. First of all, it allows for more energy and an overall increase of energy levels. Breathing is easier and better if you keep your body in the right position. If or when you exercise, by having good posture every single exercise will be more meaningful due to the correct form, resulting in faster results.
Obviously, good posture also reduces the chances of injuries and strains during everyday life, but also increasing physical activity in sports and at work. Finally, if you keep your body upright, your back straight, and your shoulders back, you will appear taller and have a larger presence no matter where you are.
Not That Easy to Achieve
Of course, like many other things that we want or need to improve in our lives, simply knowing the way we hold our back and shoulders while sitting and walking is not enough. It takes a conscious effort to do it, which further requires determination, diligence, and enough willpower to persevere until it becomes second nature. We understand that it is not an easy task to stop hunching over and rounding your lower back. The core of your body needs to be strong before you can actually get comfortable in a proper position and achieve good posture.
Luckily, there are tools and solutions to this problem. Thanks to posture correctors, many people now hold their bodies in the right positions and no longer experience pain and discomfort. These correctors have been advertised far and wide and they are the best chance you have if you are struggling. Or so everyone claims. Is there any truth to it at all and are they worth your time, money, and effort? In this article we talk more about that. For more information, you can visit Amazon page. Visit here.
What Are They?
Prior to talking about whether or not they actually help and should you invest your time and resources into one, we must first discuss the correctors themselves. What do you know about they and do you know how and why they are used? Also known as back braces, these devices are designed and made to do a lot of different things relating to the spine and posture. From limiting motions following procedures and fractures to correcting the posture through everyday, under-the-clothing wearing, they are truly helpful.
So, to answer the titular question right here and now, yes, they are absolutely worth both your time and your money. However, you need to know which one to get and how to properly wear it. For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing solely on the posture correctors and not on the harder braces that limit motion and help with healing after injuries and surgeries. Therefore, we will talk about soft correctors made with elastic materials, padding, and straps.
What to Look For
We mentioned that they help, but that you also need to think about which one you get and how you wear it. Here we talk about what to look for when browsing and purchasing a posture corrector. First and foremost, it should encourage muscle activation. Too much support leads to spine and muscle atrophy as they are used to additional, outside support.
This is why the wrong type of brace may hurt you even more and actually weaken your back, neck, shoulders, and core. Soft braces are the key for this as they remind the body how it needs to hold itself, but do not take all of the work. You get the optimal way in which you should hold the body but you do all the work, or your spine and muscles rather.
Focusing on the key areas of good posture can also help you pick the best corrector out there. The neck, the cervical thoracic junction, and the lower back are what needs to get stronger. These areas have to be properly positioned when you are sitting and walking for your posture to be good. To maximize the experience and not wear it in vain, look for a product that focuses on these three areas of your body. They should be the most effective and give you the most optimal results.
Comfort and Ease
Comfort is one of the ultimate features of anything that we wear on our bodies, particularly when it should also help our body. If it is uncomfortable for you, no matter how correct it may claim to be, do not get it. You will struggle and hate every minute of it, so it is not worth it. Instead, find something that is the most comfortable and ergonomic for you that still promotes good posture. You should not be too relaxed while wearing them though.
In terms of the ease of use, do not underestimate it. Healing devices, remedies, and solutions should not be hard to use. You are already experiencing hardships, so why struggle even more? Correctors that are easily adjustable and which you can put on and take off quickly are also the best. You should be able to do everything on your own. If you require somebody else, it does not have enough ease of use. Another key feature is the ability to wear it both over and under certain clothes.
Finally, before you buy any type of posture corrector, it would be a good idea to understand the core of your own problem more. Everyone is different, and your bad posture may stem from a different part of body than those a certain corrector helps with. Is it the neck, the lower back, the shoulders, the core, or the entire upper body that prevents you from having a good posture? Do some research and visit a chiropractor or a masseuse. Once you know what you need, you will be able to invest in the right model for your own set of issues.