How to Look After Your Outdoor Table Over Winter – 2024 Guide


As the vibrant colors of autumn give way to the chill of winter, it’s time to turn our attention to the care and protection of our outdoor furniture, particularly the beloved outdoor table. The changing seasons bring about unique challenges, and preparing your outdoor table for the harsh winter months is essential for preserving its beauty and functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the art of winterizing your outdoor table, offering valuable insights and practical tips to ensure that it emerges from the cold season unscathed.

Cleaning and Clearing

Before winter’s icy grip takes hold, it’s crucial to start with a clean slate. Begin by removing any accumulated debris, fallen leaves, and dirt from the surface of your outdoor table. A gentle sweep or a soft brush can help clear away these remnants of the previous season. Next, focus on the table’s surface by employing appropriate cleaning solutions. For wooden tables, a mixture of mild soap and water will suffice, while metal and plastic tables can be cleaned with a simple solution of water and vinegar. Cleaning the table prevents organic matter from trapping moisture, which can lead to mold growth, staining, and surface deterioration.

Inspection and Repairs


A keen eye and a thorough inspection are your best allies in identifying any existing or potential issues with your outdoor table. Carefully examine the table for visible cracks, splits, or loose parts. Addressing these repairs promptly can prevent further damage during the harsh winter conditions. If you’re a DIY enthusiast, minor repairs such as tightening screws or filling small cracks can often be managed with basic tools. However, for significant damage, seeking professional assistance ensures that your outdoor table receives the attention it deserves.

Sanding and Refinishing

Sanding the surface of your outdoor table serves two essential purposes: it eliminates any existing finish, allowing for better adhesion of protective coatings, and it smoothes out imperfections that might lead to water pooling. After sanding, consider refinishing the top with weather-resistant coatings or paints. For wooden tables, opt for a high-quality outdoor stain or sealant that provides protection against moisture and UV rays. Metal tables can benefit from rust-resistant paint, while plastic tables can be rejuvenated with a coat of paint formulated for plastics.

Applying a Protective Sealant

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your outdoor table during winter is by applying a protective sealant. Sealants create a barrier that shields the table’s surface from moisture, freezing temperatures, and other harsh elements. Choose a sealant that is specifically designed for the material of your table. For wooden tables, consider using a waterproof wood sealer, while metal tables can benefit from rust-resistant coatings. Plastic tables can be treated with a UV-resistant sealant to prevent fading and brittleness.

Covering the Table


A protective cover for outdoor table serves as a table’s winter jacket. Its role is pivotal in guarding against the harshest conditions like snow, rain, and relentless winter debris. But not all covers are made equal. Investing in a premium quality, waterproof variant ensures your table remains dry and undamaged. Ensuring the cover fits perfectly and is secured tightly means that winter winds and gusts won’t leave your table exposed.

Elevating and Protecting

Direct contact with the cold, wet ground can drastically reduce your table’s lifespan. Elevating it provides a safeguard against ground moisture, which can be particularly damaging, especially to wooden tables. Furniture glides or blocks can offer the required height, and it’s a small step that brings significant benefits. Elevation, combined with ensuring the table is placed in a spot with proper air circulation, keeps potential threats like rust, mold, and wood rot at bay.

Storing Indoors

Sometimes, the best protection is complete avoidance. If your space permits, consider relocating your outdoor table indoors for the winter months. Garages, sheds, or basements, being shielded from direct exposure, offer sanctuary-like protection. When moving the table, be gentle and methodical, making sure every move prevents any potential harm, damage, or unsightly scratches.

Regular Maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, winter doesn’t mean a total hiatus from table maintenance. Even amidst the frosty atmosphere, periodic checks and care can be pivotal. On days when the cold subsides slightly, seize the opportunity: brush off snow, give it a gentle wipe down, and perform a quick inspection. Having a seasonal maintenance checklist on hand can ensure you don’t overlook any vital steps, ensuring your table remains in optimal condition.

Choosing Weather-Resistant Materials

Selecting furniture goes beyond aesthetic appeal. Durability, especially against winter’s wrath, is paramount. The very foundation of a long-lasting table lies in its material. Choices like teak, treated wood, and aluminum have innate properties that resist the adversities of winter. Their structure and composition make them formidable opponents against moisture, corrosion, and the seasonal wear and tear that winter inflicts.

Overcoming Specific Challenges


Each table material, with its unique properties, faces distinct winter challenges. Wooden ones might warp or crack due to moisture fluctuations, metals might succumb to rust, while plastics can become brittle or fade. Recognizing these material-specific challenges is half the battle. The next step is adopting a tailored winter care regimen, one that’s customized based on the table’s material, ensuring its vulnerabilities are adequately addressed.

Spring Preparation

As the frosty embrace of winter retreats, giving way to the blossoming arms of spring, it’s time for your table’s re-entry into the outdoors. But before it serves as the centerpiece for springtime soirées, it warrants a thorough check. Uncover it, give it a comprehensive cleaning, and run a detailed inspection. Constant and consistent care, season after season, ensures your table stands tall and proud, ready for many more memories.

In Conclusion

Each winter tale your outdoor table withstands is a testament to the care you provide. With the right protective measures and consistent maintenance, your table remains not just a piece of furniture but a resilient witness to countless seasons. As spring beckons, looking back, you’ll appreciate every ounce of effort invested during the colder months. Here’s to many more winters and springs with your cherished table. Happy winterizing!